I am very spoiled when it comes to hard drive space, so there is not much need for cleaning it up. But I have been doing video work lately, and that consumes a lot more bytes than the other work I do. So a little brooming has been necessary. Then I stumbled over a lost folder.
Ahh.. the memories. This must be 12-15 years old. I was tinkering with this model after work hours, trying to self educate in architecture. I have always loved architecture, and a big part of me regrets not trying to go down that path, getting an education in it. Anyway, far too late for that now.
It was also a nice 3DSMax exercise. I have not used that program in ages now, really only because I am a Mac user.
My messy process, or lack of any at all, started with an idea of a central fireplace and a big windows. I would sit there an enjoy an amazing view of a landscape involving a large body of water. Of course, it is all about open solutions, so living room and kitchen is one space. I also wanted a bedroom with a view. I put that in the first floor to avoid nosey neighbours. Plus, I could go out on a balcony for some air. I also placed my studio in the first floor, you see that to the right. Obviously, accessing the balcony from it would be super cool. The balcony spanned over to a double garage, where I imagined an outdoor kitchen/barbeque area. I think that is kind of how far I got dreaming. I was jumping back and forth, paying way too much attention to modelling details on metal beams, girder detailing and so on, before completely changing my mind about the big shapes. But the most important part of it: I had FUN doing it. I think I got the lower front part pretty much how I wanted it, but the rest of it is all in the blue
Still, I had forgotten about all this, and finding this model brought many memories back. I have now deleted the work files. This collage will live on in my blog archive.