My friends at Polygon Treehouse is hard at work making Röki, an adventure game set in Scandinavia. They asked my wife and me if we could do placeholder vocals for one of the side characters. They wanted to check if a Scandinavian accent would bring more authenticity. Turns out, they were so pleased with our performances, they offered us roles in the actual game!
Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou rented a sound studio in Oslo and got on a plane to direct the recording. We had a brilliant time. Hopefully, we also produced some good audio!
Alex trying to direct a massively unexperienced voice actor…
This seemed to go much better.
This is the first time any of us are doing any acting work. But the main character is voiced by actress Ingvild Deila. She did the voice for CG Leia Organa in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Needless to say, she is vastly more experienced than us. I am really excited to see and hear the final results. Alex produced a blog post about her work for Röki, which you can read here!
It is almost always good fun to try new things. This was definitely one of the more fun “jobs” I have ever done. Maybe I should try to get more voice work in the future?